Episode 213 REIMAGINED!!!!
Hellooooo Disney Nerds!!!!!
Lisa here, and this week I am so excited to bring you a labor of love with a recent podcast. We recently recorded and released Episode 213: Disney Parks International Ride Through. In this Episode we watched Point of View ride throughs of three attractions in Disney Parks and commented on what we observed.
I took that audio and matched it to the video and VOILA. We have another way for you to experience the fun this episode.

Check it out HERE: The Disney Nerds Podcast Episode 213
I hope you enjoy this format. It was so much fun to record. We are hoping to do more shows like this in the future. Comment and let us know what attractions you would like to see.
Check out the Podcast on I-Tunes, Google Play, Stitcher App, Podbean, Tune in Radio, and directly on the website www.thedisneynerdspodcast.com.
Be sure to checkout the Disney Nerds Live Show every Tuesday Night on our Facebook Page The Disney Nerds Podcast at 9pm est/8pm cst.
And, if you plan to head down to Walt Disney World, be sure to contact the official travel agent of The Disney Nerds Podcast, Once Upon a Time Travel.
Thank you for reading, listening, and watching.
Have a Magical Day!!!