Passholder Exclusive Offerings at Epcot Food and Wine Festival 2018!
Greetings Disney Nerds!
Fall is almost upon us and we all know what that means………………. It’s almost Food and Wine time!! A few weeks ago the menus for the booths were announced as well as the tastings, and more. If we weren’t excited enough, Disney announced the Passholder offerings!
The last few years of the Food and Wine Festival have not offered many little extras for Disney World Passholders. I’m excited that Disney seemed to our concerns on the complimentary gift. This year you can get your Chef Mickey Passholder magnet on your first visit to Epcot during the festival. Any fan of the exclusive magnets they’ve offered over the past year will love this one with Mickey in his chef’s hat. But that’s not all kids! Once you have visited Epcot four times you can get a cutting board. The cutting board looks to be made of wood and featuring the same Chef Mickey passholder logo as the magnet! Personally, I’m very excited about the cutting board and can’t wait to find a home for it in my kitchen! You can get both of these complimentary gifts at the Festival Center.

In addition to the complementary gifts, Disney is hosting a Thank You Thursday on select dates. This event allows early access to the shopping during the festival. From 8-9am on the select dates at the Festival Center and Mouse Gear. You will be able to purchase the newest releases of passholder merchandise. Disney will also sell mimosas at the Festival Center during this event. Because what’s early morning Food and Wine Festival shopping without a mimosa! Each date of Thank You Thursday will feature different Passholder exclusive merchandise. This means Disney is releasing different merchandise items throughout the festival. August 30th is the first date and Disney will release a Figment t-shirt, cinch sack, a beverage pitcher, and 2 glasses featuring Figment and Minnie Mouse. The second date, September 20th, will feature a Goofy raglan tee, a ladies tee, and 2 glasses featuring Mickey Mouse and a Festival tagline. Lastly, on October 18th they will feature a Remy hoodie and Remy Tervis drinkware. If any of these passholder exclusive items interest you then you might want to head to Epcot for Thank You Thursdays!

The last exclusive offering is the passholder seating for the Eat To The Beat Concert Series. This year passholders can pick up a wristband at the America Gardens Theatre. They are available as first come first serve. Anyone that has been to an Eat To The Beat Concert before knows that some bands are more popular than others so we recommend getting your wristband early in the day. Also, the wristbands only give you access to the passholder seating area. Keep in mind that even if you want a good seat in that area we recommend arriving early to wait in the line for seating. Disney recommends arriving at least 15 minutes before a scheduled performance but we recommend earlier than that for the more popular bands.
We are happy to see the extra offerings for passholders this year and hope that this means that Disney will continue with this in the future. The Epcot International Food and Wine Festival will run from August 30th through November 12th this year. There will be an amazing array of food booths, tastings, demos, workshops, and so much more to experience this year. You don’t want to miss out! Please check out the official website at for more information and their full schedule of events including the Eat To The Beat Schedule.
(All Photos Courtesy of Disney)
If you haven’t planned your trip to Epcot’s International Food and Wine Festival yet then be sure to contact the official travel agent of The Disney Nerds Podcast, Once Upon a Time Travel.