2018 Attraction Madness Bracket Challenge Results – Round 1
And the Round 1 results are in for 2018 Attraction Madness. That means all bracket selections have been submitted and Round 1 scores are in. Where did your bracket fall????
First of all, on behalf of Ed, Jimmy, and Sam I wanted to thank everyone for their bracket submissions. This is the first time we have accepted submissions and judging by the response, we are not the only ones that loved Attraction Madness this year.
Before we get to the important leader board, I would like to share how winners were decided. As a team Ed, Jimmy, Sam and I got together and we decided the winners of the brackets. However, there are four of us so in the event of a tie that is where you, the Disney Nerds Community, came in to play. The deciding vote came from the online voting results.
Listen to all the Round 1 action HERE in Episode 228 and vote at DisneyMadness.com where you can have an impact on the winners.
First Round of Attraction Madness Winners

And now without further ado…………………………………………..
First Round Leaderboard
Congrats to our first round leaders, Kris and Nick. Great job!!!! For those of you towards to bottom of the list, don’t give up so quickly. It’s still early in the contest and point values increase in the later rounds.
Thanks for reading and have a magical day!!!
Looking to plan your next Disney Adventure? Contact the Official Travel Agent of The Disney Nerds Podcast, Jimmy Horne, at Once Upon a Time Travel. Jimmy will help you plan and book your trip FREE of charge.