Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is Show Stopping Event on a Universal Scale that is sure to leave you Speechless

IMarvel’s Avengers: Infinity Wart all started with one genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist in a metal suit. One single idea to bring together a group of extraordinary people, one team that assembled to fight the fights we can’t. And now here we are 18 movies later, with a handful of beloved superheroes and one groundbreaking film. It has all been leading up to this. Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is the final crescendo in the superhero symphony we have been watching unfold for the last ten years and it does not hold back.

Character Driven Plot Leads to Emotional Performance

Giant explosions and intricate fight scenes are a stable for Marvel movies, that’s just a fact. But what sometimes gets lost in these high action films is the heart, the emotions behind the reason why they fight. Infinity War doesn’t have that problem at all. Directors Joe and Anthony Russo, known for Captain America: the Winter Solider and Captain America: Civil War are able to perfectly marry the intense action of a typical superhero movie with the emotional depth you would find in an Oscar worthy drama.

The cast is beyond phenomenal in this film in how they deliver the multiple emotional arcs that are sure to bring tears to your eyes. Every single character has some kind of growth, some kind of emotional journey that only adds to the strength of the movie. It gives these characters that we have been watching for the past ten years such a beautiful depth and humility that makes you love them even more. And speaking of the cast, it’s a big one.Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War


A Powerhouse Cast Find Balance and Humor at Every Turn

In the first Avengers movie, we had Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, the cast started to grow. This time around we are at a whopping 27 main cast members. That’s a lot of characters to juggle but Avengers: Infinity War takes it in stride. Each character is given an appropriate and balanced amount of screen time; something the past two Avengers films has not really been that successful with. But this time around everyone is given their due time.

That being said, there were a few characters that didn’t see that much screen time but it only made their time on screen that much more impactful. And in some cases, even when they weren’t seen, you could still feel their presence throughout the film. It’s also important to note that each character was written true to who they are in their stand alone films. In the past, some characters felt stiff or were written out of character in the big ensemble movies but, thankfully this is not the case in Infinity War. Everyone is spot on and at their peak performance.

One thing that was a highlight of the movie was seeing characters that have never met before, meet. Tony and Dr. Strange, Thor and the Guardians, I could go on and on but the result is still the same: it was hilarious. Each new meet up is like a movie of its own. Seeing some of these characters interact for the first time adds a levity that cuts through the heavy drama around them. All I’m saying is – I would pay to see and Bucky and Rocket movie so, keep that in mind Marvel.Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War

A Villain Ten Years in the Making

There have been a great deal of villains throughout the years but none is a formidable as Thanos. Movie by movie we have been given a glimpse of the mad titan and his scheme to collect the Infinity Stones. But now we get to see him in full force for the first time. He is as intimidating as he is purple and doesn’t let anyone stand in his way to get what he wants.

He impacts every character but he has the most influence on his ‘adoptive’ daughter, Gamora. Writers Markus and McFeely explore how Gamora came into his care and the complicated relationship that they share. It brings humanity to the villain that you don’t normally see in Marvel bad guys. But don’t let his moment of affection fool you. He is here to wipe out half of the universes population to restore balance. That’s right; he is ready to commit universe wide genocide in order to fulfill his twisted vision of balance. They don’t call him the mad titan of nothing.Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War

Infinity War Packs a Punch with an Ending that will leave you Speechless

There is so much to love about Avengers: Infinity War. The throwbacks to previous movies like a certain someone from Captain America: the First Avenger and of course a nod to both Civil War and Black Panther. There is humor, there is drama, there is action, there is heart, there is everything you would expect from a Marvel movie and so much more.

It has a slightly darker feel than the past movies and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, some of our beloved characters don’t survive the film. For the sake of being spoiler free, I’m not going to mention who meets an unfortunate end but I do have a feeling that some of these deaths are not a permanent as they may seem.

Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity WarHowever, I would advise bringing some tissues because I guarantee there will be tears.

And if Infinity War doesn’t have your heart pumping from the get go then the last ten to fifteen minutes sure will. It is the final fight to end all fights. There is so much action that it will keep you on the edge of your seat. But that ending, those final moments are so jam packed with so much desperation and anxiety you can practically feel it thrumming in the air around you. It is a moment that will change the Marvel Cinematic Universe forever.

Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is a fantastic, explosive movie that has been ten years in the making and it doesn’t disappoint. From start to finish you won’t be able to take your eyes from the screen. The last fifteen minutes will leave you stunned, creating a cliffhanger that will leave you demanding for the instant release of Avengers 4.

Shelby Harris

Shelby is a writer, avid food eater, comic lover, and a self proclaimed fangirl. She is obsessed with all things Marvel, Disney, Harry Potter, Star Wars and so much more! She writes to share her love for these obsessions and to open the door to the life of a fangirl.

One thought on “Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is Show Stopping Event on a Universal Scale that is sure to leave you Speechless

  • April 26, 2018 at 11:46 am

    I wish I had not read this… now I HAVE TO SEE IT RIGHT AWAY! 😉

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