Life Size Baby Yoda & More Available for “Baby Yoda” Fans!
Are you apart of the large Baby Yoda fandom? Well, allow me to introduce you to the ultimate collectors item. LIFE SIZE BABY YODA.

Baby Yoda is a character from the new show on Disney+ called “The Mandalorian.” This show has hit the internet like a storm once Baby Yoda was introduced.

Since then, Disney has released clothing and accessories with Baby Yoda on them. If that merchandise has not satisfied you enough, you can now own a life size version of Baby Yoda. It will only cost you.. your soul! Well maybe not your soul, but it will run you $350…

The company releasing this is called SideShow. They also offer several other Star Wars items as well. The pre-sale for life-size Baby Yoda is going on now and they will start releasing the product in August of this year.

If $350 is not in your budget do not fret! Funko Pop has also released a 10 inch Baby Yoda which is available for pre-sale as well. It will run you a mere $29.99. While it is not as life like as the SideShow $350 version, it should help feed your Baby Yoda needs!
Will you be adding the life size Baby Yoda to your collection?
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